5 Reasons Why Universal Studios Is Better For Teens Than Disney World

A hard choice for many Orlando tourists is whether to visit Disney World or Universal Studios. They’re similar in many regards, but ultimately very different experiences.

While Disney World has a lot of great attractions for teens and they will have fun, there’s no doubt that looking at it as a whole, Universal Studios Resort is better for teens.

Here are five reasons why…

Better Thrill Rides

One of the first things that comes to mind when thinking of Universal Orlando is its mega thrill rides. Disney World has some amazing thrill rides, but none of them are as intense as the ones at Universal.

Less Kiddy Rides

As you can tell, overall, the rides at Universal are catered to teens. There aren’t actually many kiddy rides. Not all of them are intense roller coasters, but there are only a few slow rides.

More Convenient To Go Park-To-Park

Universal Studios Park and Islands Of Adventure are right next to each other. It’s less than a five-minute walk to go from the entrance of one park to the other.

Better Affordable Hotels

One big thing that really sells Universal is that it has more high-quality affordable hotels. The cheapest hotels at Disney are decent, but there aren’t as great as the ones in Universal.

Wait Times

Disney is infamous for having some ludicrous wait times. Some of the most popular rides like Rise Of The Resistance can easily get up to three hours on a weekend.

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