I feel so lucky to be living in a time where there is a Star Wars land!
The land is so big and so detailed – it’s amazing! A must-see for any Star Wars fan.
Since it’s so big though, it can be a little overwhelming, so here’s a guide to Star Wars – Galaxy’s Edge.
Depending on which entrance you enter through, this might be the first thing you see – Kylo Ren’s ship.
Here, they play a show where Kylo Ren searches for a Resistance spy, seen below.
After the show, Kylo Ren wanders around Galaxy’s Edge to find the Resistance spy.
He interacts with some of the guests, asking them if they have seen the Resistance spy. It’s a bit scary when he approaches you.
He’s over six feet tall, so it can be a little intimidating! It’s all a part of the fun though!
He is very funny too. One person in the crowd asked if he could take a photo with him, and he just said “no.”
You may also see some other characters wandering around like Rey and Chewbacca!
Close to Kylo Ren’s ship is the Blue Milk stand.
Here, you can have the iconic Blue Milk Luke Skywalker was drinking at the Moisture Farm with his aunt and uncle.
Given its name, it might not sound so good, but trust me, it’s delicious! Give it a try once you’re there!
This is my favorite place in Galaxy’s Edge.
It’s a Star Wars-themed cantina that’s reminiscent (although not completely themed after) the famous cantina scene in A New Hope.
Possibly the best part about the cantina is that the DJ is Rex, the pilot from the original Star Tours attraction. It’s really great to see him again!
The drinks at Oga’s Cantina are incredible too! They have an other-worldly taste and the way they’re prepared is like something you’d get out of a sci-fi movie.
One of the best parts of Galaxy’s Edge is you get to pilot the Millenium Falcon on Millenium Falcon – Smuggler’s Run.
In my opinion, this is one of the best rides Disney has ever created. It’s unlike anything I’ve experienced before.
Right next door to Smuggler’s Run is Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo, one of the best places to eat at the Disneyland Resort!
Here, you can dine in a cargo hold, where the best tables are the ones in the large shipping crates.
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The food here is great!
I love how the food is unusual enough to taste like it was made in a different world, but not too much so that it doesn’t taste nice.
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Close by is Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities, a souvenir store full of Star Wars merchandise.
This store has some of the best Star Wars merchandise I’ve ever seen! I want to buy everything they sell at this store!
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Another eatery at Galaxy’s Edge!
What makes this one unique is they cook the meat under a pod-racer engine.
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Here, you build your very own lightsaber!
This is an incredibly immersive and interactive experience that’s well worth the price!
Here’s a video of the experience, but if I were you, I’d go through the experience yourself first, so you don’t spoil anything.
At the Droid Depot, you can make your very own droid!
You choose between making a BB or R unit (one like BB-8 or R2-D2). They’re completely customizable, so you can really make them your own.
You can even give them personalities! You can make them a Resistance, First Order, or Smuggler droid.
It’s your choice!
Right next to the Droid Depot is Luke’s Landspeeder, the one he uses from A New Hope!
This is where you can find even more Star Wars merchandise.
The best time to go here is at night. It looks amazing!
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Saving the best for last, Rise of the Resistance is an absolute must-do at Galaxy’s Edge.
Not only is it the best ride at Disneyland – it’s the best theme-park attraction in the world!
Again, you can watch the video if you want, but I’d highly advise you to experience it for yourself.
Have you experienced Disneyland Galaxy’s Edge?

Alison Meacham is the founder of EverythingMouse Disney Blog. For over 15 years she has shared her love of Disney Parks, Disney Cruises and Universal Orlando. In over 30 years of Disney Travel she has spent countless months in Disney Parks and has sailed on over 45 cruises. A British native and now a United States resident she splits her time between California, Florida and the UK. And spends a serious amount of time sailing the seven seas. She helps over 200,000 people per month follow their Disney travel dreams.