No matter what scare tactic headlines you may have seen, getting sick on a cruise is rare. Particularly on a Disney cruise, which has the highest standards of any cruise line out there. However, it does sometimes happen.
Fortunately, there are lots of steps that you can take to minimize the risk that you will get sick on a cruise.
Stuff happens on a ship – just as it does anywhere. No one can say that you won’t get sick on a cruise or any other type of vacation you go on.
However, these simple precautions will help you enjoy a happy and healthy cruise.
Motion Sickness on a Cruise
We have spent months at sea and never suffered from motion sickness or seasickness. The Disney ships are the best in the industry and are very stable.
We have sailed through hurricanes and felt fine. However, for some, motion sickness can be unpleasant.
Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help avoid and also remedy motion sickness on a cruise. Here we look at some things which will help”
Where to Stay on a Cruise Ship to Avoid Seasickness
Your choice of Disney cruise stateroom can have a huge influence on whether or not you get seasick and suffer from motion sickness.
Motion is felt very differently in different parts of the ship. The general rule is that the higher you are on the ship, the more motion that you will feel.
Also, there is a lot more movement in the aft (the back) of the ship.
By selecting a Disney cruise stateroom in the middle of the ship on a lower deck you can reduce your chances of seasickness. You can read our guide for more information:
Disney Cruise Ship Staterooms to Avoid
Best Motion Sickness Medicine for a Cruise
Which is the best motion sickness medicine for a cruise? You have a choice of a number of options for over the counter motion sickness remedies.
These Bonine Raspberry Chewable Tablets For Motion Sickness
You may want to pack Dramamine Motion Sickness Relief as this is also very highly rated.
A small selection of over the counter seasickness remedies is sold onboard all Disney ships. However, they are usually more expensive than if you buy them before you travel.
Wristbands for Motion Sickness
Wristbands for motion sickness are such a simple, but very effective solution. These Sea-Band Adult Wristbands
We always pack sea bands
Ginger works really well for seasickness too. These Sailors’ Secret Premium Ginger Remedy
Do Motion Sickness Patches Work?
Motion sickness patches work for many people in preventing seasickness. There are many motion sickness patches available over the counter. One of the most popular is this Motion Sickness Patch
The patches are very discreet. The Motion Sickness Patch is a very small circle design. You simply place it behind your ear just before you get on the cruise. Motion sickness patches can be a great alternative to medication as they are nondrowsy.
Wash Your Hands
We really can’t say enough how important it is to wash your hands. Always wash your hands before and after eating, and after you use the bathroom.
Think about avoiding surfaces that others will touch frequently such as handrails and bathroom door handles.
In every Disney cruise bathroom, there is a disposable hand towel and trash can by the door. Use the hand towel to open the door so that your hand is not touching the surface.
Wash your hands before and after going to the buffet and the restaurants. There will always be a Disney crew member at the entrance to the restaurant giving out hand sanitizing wipes. Make sure you use them!
All of the Disney ships now also have sinks outside the buffet areas. Hand washing is better than hand sanitizing wipes. Make sure that you teach your kids about the importance of handwashing too.
Dealing With Jet Lag and Flying
If you are flying over several time zones to get to your Disney cruise, it may be that you need to do your best to combat jet lag. Even if you just travel from California to Florida that is a 3 hour time difference.
We have done this many times and it takes adjustment. Nothing like the 8 hour time difference over the Atlantic, but it still has an effect.
If you can, arrive early at your port destination and take some time to get used to the time change. Then you will not be dealing with the time adjustment and having this affect you on the cruise.
There are some simple things you can do to help minimize jet lag. When you reach your destination you should try and get on the new schedule as soon as possible. Go to bed at your usual time in the new time zone. It can be difficult staying awake, but it pays off.
We also think that this Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedy
Even without jet lag, flying can have health consequences. It is easier to pick up airborne illnesses. We are not suggesting you become a germophobe, but some simple precautions will help to cut down your risk.
We always take these Hand Sanitizing Wipes
Water is Everywhere
Staying hydrated is always important. The water on a Disney cruise is safe to drink. Yes, even out of the stateroom bathroom faucet. It isn’t that great of a taste though.
We always have a Water Bottle and fill it up with iced water from the pool deck.
Be careful when you get off the ship in port. There are some areas, for example in Mexico, where the local water is not safe to drink. Always choose bottled water.
Remember too that fruit and vegetables may be washed in local water, so sticking to cooked food is best. If you do eat raw fruit and vegetables pick ones that have been peeled so that you don’t eat the skin.
You should be sure to always stay hydrated on a flight too. However, there is a reason why flight attendants never drink the water on the plane, unless it comes from a bottled source. EPA testing has shown that 1 in 8 planes fails the water standards safety test.
Flight attendants don’t think it is worth taking the risk and neither do we. Coffee and tea are made from water from the plane. Bottled water and drinks are a much safer option.
Avoid Sunburn
You may be having fun in the sun, but you need to make sure that you stay well protected from the sun. Sunburn is not only painful, but it can also have very serious health consequences for the future.
Make sure that you limit your time in the sun. Falling asleep poolside is tempting. However, it is not so great if you wake up to a serious case of sunburn.
Always wear Sun Screen
If you do get too much sun you can try this
If you are lucky enough to be sailing to Disney’s Castaway Cay you will want to make sure that you take your sunscreen with you. There is plenty of shade available, but it is tempting to spend a lot of time in the sun. Use your common sense.
Be Honest When You Board Your Disney Cruise
When you arrive at the Disney Cruise Terminal you will be asked to fill in a form detailing whether or not you have experienced any symptoms of sickness. Out of consideration for your fellow passengers please be honest.
If you answer yes to any of these questions it does not mean that you will be confined to your stateroom for the duration of the cruise. You will meet with one of the Disney cruise medical staff who will assess your symptoms.
Yes, they may determine that you are not fit to cruise or should be confined to your stateroom for a period of time. However, you are doing the other passengers and crew a great service with your honesty.
Be Careful Not to Over Indulge
You are on vacation and everyone wants to have a good time. However, think twice before having that extra dessert or another drink of the day.
There is so much great food onboard a Disney ship it can be very tempting to overeat.
However, if you take this a little too far your health and your waistline are not going to thank you!
Enjoy your Palo Brunch, the buffet, and the restaurants, but maybe say no to that second helping of chocolate dessert.
Want more Disney Cruise Tips? Click Here
What tips do you have for staying healthy on a Disney cruise?
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Alison Meacham is the founder of EverythingMouse Disney Blog. For over 15 years she has shared her love of Disney Parks, Disney Cruises and Universal Orlando. In over 30 years of Disney Travel she has spent countless months in Disney Parks and has sailed on over 45 cruises. A British native and now a United States resident she splits her time between California, Florida and the UK. And spends a serious amount of time sailing the seven seas. She helps over 200,000 people per month follow their Disney travel dreams.
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Rhiannon Day
Sunday 14th of October 2018
Great and practical tips! I used to be scared of getting a stomach virus from going on a cruise ship after reading horror stories in the news but the more I talk to people who go on cruises all the time, the more I hear that it's just as rare on board a cruise ship as off one and it's all just unnecessary scare tactics. My sister actually did get sick whilst on a cruise ship and the measures they took to keep her confined and stop the virus from spreading gave me so much confidence that the risk is really minimal. It's good to read that Disney ships, in particular, go to great lengths to keep its travelers healthy and well, and I love these practical, common-sense tips. With good hygiene and common sense, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. We're planning a cruise early next year and I can't wait! Thanks for sharing!
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